What Is Life Care?
Life Care represents a consumer-directed model of care that offers an innovative and independent lifestyle different from other housing and care options for older people. Through long-term contracts that provide for housing, services and nursing care, usually in one location, Life Care is designed to meet your needs in a familiar setting as you grow older. One significant advantage of Life Care is that it allows couples and friends to continue to live on a single campus even if one of them requires additional assistance or care while the other remains in independent living.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, seniors who live in continuing care communities such as Westminster Village are healthier and, on average, live longer than those who live at home. The study attributes these findings to the Life Care community focus on wellness, social involvement and physically active lifestyles.
Moving to a Life Care community allows you to preserve your independence by taking control of the future and assuring yourself - in advance - that you'll have the kind of care you want as you grow older. Westminster Village combines financial security with emotional peace of mind for you, your spouse and your children. After all, life is a great adventure - do all that you can to ensure that yours continues in good health among good friends.
How Can Life Care Enhance Your Life?
Take this interactive quiz to discover the advantages of living in a Life Care community.